Dr. Alessandro Paolini, TU Kaiserslautern, Germania: Distinguished Subexpressions in Coxeter Groups and Endomorphism Algebras

Vineri 19 mai, orele 13-14, in cadrul seminarului Grupului de Cercetare Geometrie, va avea loc in sala „pi” conferinta prezentata de Dr. Alessandro Paolini de la TU Kaiserslautern, Germania, cu titlul:

Distinguished Subexpressions in Coxeter Groups and Endomorphism Algebras


The structure of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra associated to a finite reductive group G is closely related to the combinatorics of the Weyl group of G. In this talk we recall the notion of distinguished subexpressions in Coxeter groups and their role in some fundamental results about the geometric structure of G, and we present some efforts towards a determination of the structure constants of by means of such distinguished subexpressions.