Anunţuri din categoria: Anunţuri practică nivel licență

Practică interdisciplinară de vară

Practică interdisciplinară de vară
Dragi studenți, dacă doriți în această vară să porniți într-o aventură a cunoașterii, facultatea noastră vă oferă posibilitatea înscrierii la practica interdisciplinară de vară coordonată de Lect. Dr. Gabriel Mircea. Scopul programului de practică este de a realiza o platformă pentru gestionarea corectă a informației bio arheologice. Plecând de la recoltarea corectă a datelor arheologice

Cognizant Romania – Practica de vara pentru studenti

Cognizant Romania has prepared for you a practice plan that will give you a comprehensive overview of developing modern applications using the latest technologies: NET 8/Java, Web APIs in a Clean Architecture, ReactJs. OBJECTIVES: Introduction to the art of writing Clean Code Understanding SOLID design principles Understanding the concepts behind Clean Architecture Developing a Web

Qubiz Internship 2024

Qubiz Internship 2024
Descriere: Technologie: .NET Framework, Angular, React, SQL Tip internship: full time, 6 săptămâni, la biroul Qubiz Cluj Perioada programului: 19 august – 27 septembrie 2024 Data-limită de aplicare: 31 Mai 2024 Intră în culisele industriei IT cu Internship-ul Qubiz! Alătură-te echipei noastre pentru o experiență intensivă de 6 saptamani, plină de învățare și colaborare. Vom

Oferta practica 2024 – Sector Labs Cluj

Oferta practica 2024 – Sector Labs Cluj
SUMMER INTERNSHIP APPLY HERE PROGRAM July-September 2024 5days/week - 8h/day SCHOLARSHIP 4000 RON net/month

FundMore 2024 Internships

Sharing some exciting opportunities for a summer internship at Fundmore! We are looking for talented and motivated individuals to join our team for the summer of 2024. At Fundmore, we believe in fostering a learning environment where interns can gain hands-on experience and contribute to meaningful projects. Our summer internship program is designed to give

Internshape your career at BearingPoint

Internshape your career at BearingPoint
Are you interested in a Top 10 Employer in Romania to do your mandatory student internship? This year, you have the chance to experience the best learning journey at BearingPoint. We do offer internship opportunities in different areas as: DevOps Tosca Test Automation Programming – Full Stack Developer, BIM, GenAI Jira Java SQL Data Analytics & AI Data Quality Assurance CRM How to apply:

Orange Educational Program 2024-2025

Orange Educational Program 2024-2025
Care este secretul reuşitei profesionale? Din fericire, aceasta este o întrebare care are nenumărate răspunsuri. Pentru tine, secretul reuștei profesionale poate fi Orange. Și anul acesta, Orange România susține excelența în educație prin Orange Educational Program, program adresat studenților din cadrul universităților partenere (vezi lista completă a acestora). Deschiderea ediției 2024 – 2025 are loc pe

Summer is Calling: Launch Your Tech Career with Accenture Industry X!

Summer is Calling: Launch Your Tech Career with Accenture Industry X!
Are you a tech-savvy student seeking a summer internship packed with cutting-edge projects and real-world experience? Join our vibrant team at Accenture Industry X and dive into the world of software-defined vehicles, rail automation, engineering, manufacturing digitalization, robotics, and more… Here’s what awaits you: Work on real-world projects: Get hands-on experience with C#, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, Cloud, Ruby,

3PillarGlobal GenAI Hackathon

3PillarGlobal GenAI Hackathon
Do you want to create new content or data from scratch using Generative AI? Do you want to learn, collaborate, and compete with other enthusiasts? Do you want to win amazing prizes and have fun? If yes, sign up for the Gen AI Hackathon hosted by 3 Pillar Global in The Office in Cluj Napoca.

NI Software Integration with Python – free online workshop, 20. March

NI Software Integration with Python – free online workshop, 20. March
We are glad to announce an online workshop called „NI Software Integration with Python „. Key topics covered: Gain an understanding of basic methods of NI and third-party software integration. Distinguish how modern software solutions can be integrated with NI tools and applications Understand NI LabVIEW Python Node and NI AutoLV APIs 20 March 2024