Dr. András Némethi (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest): Lattice cohomology

Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică anunţă conferinţa invitată cu titlul

Lattice cohomology

susţinută de Dr. András Némethi (Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest).

Conferinţa va avea loc, vineri, 1 februarie 2019, ora 12.00 în clădirea Mathematica, sala pi, strada Ploiești, nr. 23-25.

Abstract: Lattice cohomology associates to a lattice a graded Z[U]-module. Originally it was defined in low dimensional topology in order to establish a combinatorial candidate for the Heegaard Floer homology for graph 3-manifolds. In parallel, another motivation was provided by the theory of complex normal surface singularities (as part of algebraic geometry): it created a bridge between analytic and topological invariants. The talk will start with an elementary construction, and step-by-step we will develop the deeper connections with topology and algebraic geometry.