Eric Schippers (University of Manitoba): Teichmuller theory and a moduli space in Teichmuller theory

Vineri, 17 mai, ora 10, vă invităm sa participați la următoarea prelegere invitată:

Invitat: Eric Schippers (University of Manitoba)

Titlul prezentării: Teichmuller theory and a moduli space in Teichmuller theory

Abstract: In a preprint circulated in the late 80s, G. Segal sketched a model of conformal field theory. The model involves an (infinite-dimensional) moduli space of Riemann surfaces endowed with smooth boundary parametrizations.  Up to a discrete group action this moduli space is a Teichmuller space which was defined two decades earlier. We give an friendly introduction to these two moduli spaces, and discuss the consequences of their correspondence for Teichmuller space and conformal field theory. If time allows we will also discuss some newer developments in the related theory of Weil-Petersson Teichmuller spaces.

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