Curs introductiv în Ingineria Spațială

Do you want to learn about one of the hottest topics in today's world? Do you want to see for yourself what SPACE is really made out of?

Apply* for ROSPIN Academy - the first and only space related course in Romania, brought to you by Romanian Space Initiative. You will learn about astronomy basics, what the future of the space industry is, what we are doing to tackle space debris and last but not least, how YOU can fit into the bigger picture!

*The enrollment hasn't started yet, please follow ROSPIN on social media to be up to date with the latest news regarding ROSPIN Academy enrollment and other exciting projects that ROSPIN is preparing.

A început înscrierea pentru ROSPIN Academy Level 1! :

În data joi, 7 octombrie, de la ora 19:00, va avea o scurtă prezentare a cursului. Înregistrarea se face la adresa: