Technical procedure regarding place confirmation


After the final confirmation of the place, we ask all admitted candidates to fill out a questionnaire regarding the request for a place in the dormitory and the preferences for the optional courses in the first year (link will follow).

The admitted candidates will be distributed according to the descending order of the mean score obtained in the admission competition, with strict observance of the order of the formulated options, starting with the first option.


  • Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, it is allowed to pursue a didactic master’s programme (in the field of Educational Sciences) with budget funding concurrently with or after another master’s programme also pursued with budget funding.”
  • The candidate who has submitted multiple applications and wishes to pursue two master’s programmes in parallel, neither of which is a didactic master’s programme (in the field of Educational Sciences), will complete a declaration informing us whether
    • He/she wishes to study at two master’s programs in parallel: if he/she can occupy a tuition-free place for the two files, he/she will state which file will be applied for a tuition-free place (hereafter the tuition-free file) and which file will be applied for a tuition-paying place (hereafter the tuition-paying file).
    • He/she only wants to pursue a master’s degree.

    The completed and signed declaration will be sent by email to in PDF format by July 23, 2024, at 14:00.

  • For the candidate who has submitted two files and wants to follow two master’s programs in parallel: if he/she could obtain a tuition-free study place with both files, the admission committee will remove all tuition-free options from the tuition-paying file before the distribution of places.
  • The candidate who has submitted two files and wants to pursue only one master’s degree
    • for the file he/she continues with: confirm the obtained study place according to the steps detailed below
    • for the file he/she gives up: the candidate will NOT confirm the obtained study place and will NOT choose in the admission platform that he/she wants to participate in the REDISTRIBUTION phase, so he/she will be rejected.


  • The confirmation of study places and their redistribution is done exclusively online in the admission platform at: case a candidate does not confirm the study place, it will lead to the loss of the obtained place and the exclusion from the competition.
  • For a tuition-free place, it is mandatory to submit the baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, as well as the bachelor’s degree together with the supplement to the bachelor’s diploma, or the bachelor’s certificate for the graduates of the class of July 2024, in the original by one of the following methods:
    • For graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of BBU by NOT picking up the original documents from the Faculty’s secretariat;
    • For Stage I confirmation:
      1. By sending the baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, as well as the bachelor’s degree together with the supplement to the bachelor’s diploma, or the bachelor’s certificate for the graduates of the class of July 2024 by post/courier, with confirmation of receipt to the following address: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Comisia de Admitere Master, Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, nr. 1, RO-400084, Cluj-Napoca. Please send an email to the address with your name and surname, the name of the courier company, the date and time of sending the documents, by July 25, 14:00.
      2. In-person or through a delegate during the period July 23 – July 25, 2024, between 9:00 and 14:00, at the Master’s Admission Commission,in the Central Building of UBB, str. M. Kogălniceanu no. 1, floor 2, room 230 (dean’s office).
    • For Stage II of confirmation:
      ONLY in person (or through a delegate) on July 26, 2024, between 9:00 and 14:00, at the Master’s Admissions Committee, in the UBB Central Building, str. M. Kogălniceanu no. 1, floor 2, room 230 (dean’s office).
  • For any place obtained (tuition-free or tuition-paying), it is mandatory to complete the study contract in the admissions platform for each stage in which the specialization and/or form of financing is changed.
  • For the candidates on the waiting list, it is mandatory to tick in the admission platform that they want to participate in the redistribution. Only this tick allows candidates on the waiting list to remain in the admission competition. Otherwise, they will be eliminated from the competition.
  • A candidate declared admitted to a tuition-free or tuition-paying place can participate in a new redistribution (to obtain a place in a specialization further up his list of options) only if he ticks in the admissions platform that he wants to participate in the new redistribution. Otherwise, the candidate will no longer participate in the redistributions in the following confirmation stages.
  • For a fee-paying place, payment of the first installment of the tuition fee is mandatory. The fee is paid exclusively ONLINE IN THE ADMISSION PLATFORM, and the amount of the tuition fee is as follows
    • Computer Science (all specializations) — 4,000 RON/academic year, first installment: 1,000 RON
    • Mathematics (all specializations) — 3,000 RON/academic year, first installment: 750 RON
    • Didactic master’s degree in Computer Science — 4,000 RON/academic year, first installment: 1,000 RON
    • Didactic master’s degree in Mathematics — 3,000 RON/academic year, first installment: 750 RON
    • If a candidate, ranked in a tuition-paying place, wants to pay the tuition fee integrally, he/she benefits from a 10% discount on the amount of the tuition fee.


STAGE I OF CONFIRMATIONS: July 23, 2024 – July 25, 2024, 10:00 a.m.

At the beginning of Phase I, applicants will be distributed in descending order based on their mean grades (and based on the admission criteria) and based on the options made in the application form. An applicant may be in one of the following situations:

  • The applicant is admitted to a tuition-free place: He/she confirms his/her place by performing the following steps.
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
    2. The baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, as well as the bachelor’s degree together with the supplement to the bachelor’s diploma, or the bachelor’s certificate for the graduates of the class of July 2024, will be submitted as follows:
      • By not collecting the original documents from the Secretariat of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (in this case, the Admissions Committee will take over the documents)
      • The documents will be handed in person or through a delegate at the Master’s Admission Committeein the Central Building of UBB, str. M. Kogălniceanu no. 1, floor 2, room 230 (deans’ office) between 23-25 July 2024 between 9:00 and 14:00
      • The documents will be sent by post/courier with confirmation of receipt to the following address: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică, Comisia de Admitere Master, Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, 1, RO-400084, Cluj-Napoca. Please send an email to the address with your name and surname, the name of the courier company, the date and time of sending the documents, by July 25, 2024, 14:00. If the documents do not arrive within the specified period, the candidate will be rejected.
  • The candidate is declared admitted to a tuition-paying place: The candidate confirms his place by performing the steps below, otherwise, he/she will be eliminated from the competition, i.e., he loses the place obtained, as well as the possibility of obtaining a place in a different specialization up in its list of options.
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
    2. The online payment of the first installment of the tuition fee corresponding to the place obtained will be done on the admission platform.
  • The candidate is on the waiting list: The candidate must tick on the admission platform that he/she wants to participate in the redistribution. Otherwise, he/she will be excluded from the competition and will lose a place on the waiting list and also the possibility to get a study place later.
  • The candidate is on the list of rejected candidates: The candidate is permanently eliminated from the competition.

After the first confirmation phase, a new distribution of candidates will be made in descending order according to their average marks (and according to the admission criteria) based on the options made in their application forms. The results of this redistribution will be published on July 25, 2024.

STAGE II OF CONFIRMATIONS: July 25, 2024 – July 27, 2024, 12:00, noon

A candidate in Phase II (i.e., after redistribution from Phase I confirmations) may be in one of the following situations:

  • The candidate was admitted to a place at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a place with the same specialization and the same form of funding as at the beginning of Stage I (i.e., his place does not change): The candidate’s place is implicitly considered confirmed from Stage I and therefore the candidate does not have to make any additional confirmation in the platform.
  • The candidate was admitted to a tuition-free place at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a tuition-free place in another specialization higher in his list of options: the newly obtained place is confirmed by taking the steps below:
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
  • The candidate was admitted to a tuition-paying place at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a tuition-free place: the newly obtained place is confirmed by performing the steps below:
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
    2. The baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, as well as the bachelor’s degree together with the supplement to the bachelor’s diploma, or the bachelor’s certificate for the graduates of the class of July 2024, will be submitted as follows:
      • the original documents are already in the Admissions Committee from the previous stages
      • in-person or through a delegate at the Master’s Admission Committeein the Central Building of UBB, M. Kogălniceanu no. 1, floor 2, room 230 (deans’ office) on July 26, 2024, between 9:00 and 14:00.
    3. The tuition fee paid in Phase I will be refunded after the admission competition.
  • The candidate was admitted to a tuition-free place at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a tuition-paying place in another specialization, which is higher up in his list of options: the newly obtained place is confirmed by taking the steps below:
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
    2. The online payment of the first installment of the tuition fee, corresponding to the place obtained, will be made on the admission platform.
  • The candidate was admitted to a tuition-paying place at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a tuition-paying place in another specialization, which is higher up in his list of options: the newly obtained place is confirmed by performing the steps below:
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
  • The candidate was on the waiting list at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a tuition-free place: The newly obtained place will be confirmed by the following steps, otherwise, the candidate will be eliminated from the competition and will lose the place:
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
    2. The baccalaureate diploma and transcript of records, as well as the bachelor’s degree together with the supplement to the bachelor’s diploma, or the bachelor’s certificate for the graduates of the class of July 2024, will be submitted as follows:
      • the original documents are already in the Admissions Committee from the previous stages
      • in-person or through a delegate at the Master’s Admission Committee in the Central Building of UBB, M. Kogălniceanu no. 1, floor 2, room 230 (deans’ office) on July 26, 2024, between 9:00 and 14:00.
  • The candidate was on the waiting list at the beginning of Stage I and is now declared admitted to a tuition-paying place: The newly obtained place will be confirmed by the following steps, otherwise, the candidate will be eliminated from the competition and will lose the place:
    1. The study contract is filled in, signed, and uploaded on the admission platform according to the field of study and the form of financing received.
    2. The online payment of the first installment of the tuition fee, corresponding to the place obtained, will be made on the admission platform.
  • The candidate is on the list of rejected candidates: The candidate has been definitively eliminated from the competition.

After Stage II of confirmations, there is no more redistribution. The unconfirmed places in this stage will be put up for competition in the admission session in September.

Final results are displayed on July 29, 2024.