Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Hungarian Line

Director: Dr. ANDRÁS Szilárd Károly, Associate Professor

Academic Staff

Csato Lehel
Dr. CSATÓ Lehel, Professor
E-mail: lehel.csato[at]
Address: Mathematica 207
Domains of interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Information Theory, Logical and Functional Programming
Dr. SZÁNTÓ Csaba-Lehel, Professor
E-mail: csaba.szanto[at]
Address: Mathematica 217, Tel: 6301
Domains of interest: Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, Ringel-Hall Algebras, Gabriel-Roiter Measure Theory, Matrix pencils, Quantum Groups, Combinatorics
Andras Szilard
Dr. ANDRÁS Szilárd Károly, Associate Professor
E-mail: szilard.andras[at]
Address: Mathematica 109, Tel: 6309
Domains of interest: Differential Equations, Fixed Points, Didactics of Mathematics
Bodo Zalan
Dr. BODÓ Zalán, Associate Professor
E-mail: zalan.bodo[at]
Address: Mathematica 207
Domains of interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Formal Languages
Darvay Zsolt
Dr. DARVAY Zsolt, Associate Professor
E-mail: zsolt.darvay[at]
Address: Campus 440, Tel: 5815
Domains of interest: Object Oriented Programming, Interior-Point Algorithms
Finta Zoltan
Dr. FINTA Zoltán, Associate Professor
E-mail: fzoltan[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Address: Mathematica 105, Tel: 6305
Domains of interest: Approximation Theory, Real Analysis
Gasko Noemi
Dr. GASKÓ Noémi, Associate Professor
E-mail: noemi.gasko[at]
Address: Campus A14
Domains of interest: Game Theory, Multicriteria Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms
Laszlo Tamas
Dr. LÁSZLÓ Tamás, Associate Professor
E-mail: tamas.laszlo[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Geometry and Topology of Complex Curve and Normal Surface Singularities, Deformations of Singularities, Hilbert-Poincaré Series and its Applications
Dr. LIBÁL András, Associate Professor
E-mail: andras.libal[at]
Address: Mathematica 210
Domains of interest: Computer Simulation and Modeling, Soft Condensed Matter Physics: Colloids and Granular Materials, Active Matter, Spin Ice
Soos Anna
Dr. SOÓS Anna, Associate Professor
E-mail: anna.soos[at]
Address: Mathematica 206, Tel: 6311
Domains of interest: Stochastic Analysis, Determinist and Stochastic Fractals
Varga Viorica
Dr. VARGA Viorica, Associate Professor
E-mail: viorica.varga[at]
Address: Campus 407, Tel: 5827
Domains of interest: Databases, Applications of Formal Concept Analysis
Vass Balazs
Dr. VASS Balázs, Associate Professor
E-mail: balazs.vass[at]
Address: Mathematica 206
Domains of interest: Combinatorial and Discrete Optimization, Networking, Disaster Protection of Networks
Molnar Andrea
Dr. DOKA-MOLNÁR Andrea-Éva, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: andrea.molnar[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Address: Campus 407
Domains of interest: Databases, Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science
Kolumban Sandor
Dr. KOLUMBÁN Sándor, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: sandor.kolumban[at]
Domains of interest: Parameter Estimation, Machine Learning, Small Sample Statistics, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Algorithmics
Lorincz Beata
Dr. LÁZÁR-LŐRINCZ Beáta, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: beata.lorincz[at]
Domains of interest: Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Machine Learning, Project Management, Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Databases
Lukacs Andor
Dr. LUKÁCS Andor, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: andor.lukacs[at]
Address: Mathematica 206, Tel: 6301
Domains of interest: Algebraic Topology, Category Theory, Operads, Dendroidal Sets, Fixed Point Theory
Mester Agnes
Dr. MESTER Ágnes, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: agnes.mester[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Geometric Analysis, Riemann-Finsler Geometry, Calculus of Variations and Elliptic PDEs, Machine Learning
Mezei Ildiko
Dr. MEZEI Ildikó, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: ildiko.mezei[at]
Address: Mathematica 10, Tel: 6306
Domains of interest: Critical Point Theory, Nonlinear Analysis, Calculus of variations, Geometry
Botond Molnar
Dr. MOLNÁR Botond, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: botond.molnar[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Address: BBU Main Building, 225
Domains of interest: Computer Simulations, Somplex Systems, Networks, Analog Computers, Neural Networks
Pătcaș Csaba-György
Dr. PĂTCAȘ Csaba-György, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: csaba.patcas[at]
Domains of interest: Competitive Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Graph Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms
Ruff Laura
Dr. RUFF Laura, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: laura.ruff[at]
Address: Campus 407, Tel: 5827
Domains of interest: Parallel Programming, Systolic Algorithms, Operating Systems, Web Programming
Sándor Réka
Dr. SÁNDOR Réka, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: reka.sandor[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Address: Department of Chemistry A14
Domains of interest: Computational Game Theory, Multicriteria Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms, Metaheuristics
Simon Karoly
Dr. SIMON Károly, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: karoly.simon[at]
Address: Campus 404
Domains of interest: Artificial Intelligence, Complex Systems, Networks, Advanced Programming Methods
Somogyi Ildiko
Dr. SOMOGYI Ildikó, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: ildiko.somogyi[at]
Address: Mathematica 205, Tel: 6303
Domains of interest: Optimality of Numerical Integration Formulas
Dr. SULYOK Csaba, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: csaba.sulyok[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Software Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Web Programming, Build Automation
Szilágyi Géza Zsolt
Dr. SZILÁGYI Géza Zsolt, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: geza.szilagyi[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Differential topology, Symplectic topology, Localization techniques
Szollosi Istvan
Dr. SZÖLLŐSI István, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: stefan.suteu[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Address: Mathematica 207
Domains of interest: Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, Computational Algebra
Varga Levente
Dr. Ing. VARGA Levente, Lecturer Professor
E-mail: levente.varga[at]
Address: BBU Main Building, 203
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Computer Simulation and Modeling, Complex Systems, Evolutionary Game Theory, Networks, Community Detection, Human Mobility
Kajanto Sandor
Dr. KAJÁNTÓ Sándor, Assistant
E-mail: sandor.kajanto[at]
Domains of interest: Optimization on Manifolds
Kepes Tamas
KÉPES Tamás-Zsolt, Assistant
E-mail: tamas.kepes[at]
Domains of interest: Optimizational Algorithms, Networks
Szabolcs Pavel
PÁVEL Szabolcs, Assistant
E-mail: szabolcs.pavel[at]
Address: Mathematica 207
Domains of interest: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
SÁNDOR Csanad, Assistant
E-mail: csanad.sandor[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Annamaria Szenkovits
Dr. SZENKOVITS Annamária, Assistant
E-mail: annamaria.szenkovits[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Address: Mathematica 207
Domains of interest: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval
Vas Orsolya
Dr. VAS Orsolya, Assistant
E-mail: orsolya.vas[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Calculus of Variations, Partial Differential Equations
Vekov Geza Karoly
VEKOV Géza Károly, Assistant
E-mail: geza.vekov[at]
Web: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Evolutionary Algorythms, Optimalization, Algorythms

Professors Emeriti

Kolumban Jozsef
Dr. KOLUMBÁN József, Professor Emeritus
E-mail: kolumban[at]
Address: Mathematica 106, Tel: 0264-403477, int. 6302
Domains of interest: Fractals, Mathematical Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, Optimization Theory

Invited Professor

Horvath Zoltan
Dr. HORVÁTH Zoltán, Invited Professor, Doctor Honoris Causa of BBU
E-mail: hz[at]
Address: Campus 407, Tel: 5827
Domains of interest: Functional Programming, Parallel Programming

Associated Professor

Robu Judit
Dr. ROBU Judit, Associate Professor
E-mail: judit.robu[at]
Address: Campus 407, Tel: 5827
Domains of interest: Automated Proof in Geometry, Operating Systems, GeoGebra

Senior Researcher grade I.

Andras Nemethi
E-mail: nemethi.andras[at]
Areas of expertise: Algebraic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Singularity Theory

Doctoral Students

Bándi Nándor
BÁNDI Nándor, Doctoral Student
E-mail: nandor.bandi[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Continuous Nonlinear Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms, Parallel Algorithms
Baja Zsolt
BAJA Zsolt, Doctoral Student
E-mail: zsolt.baja[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Geometry and Topology of Complex Normal Surface Singularities, Numerical Semigroups
TASNÁDI Zoltán, Doctoral Student
E-mail: zoltan.tasnadi[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Graph Algorithms, Optimization Algorithms
SEEMOUS 2018 Diploma Totos Gyorgy
TŐTŐS György, Doctoral Student
E-mail: gyorgy.totos[at]
CV: Curriculum Vitae
Domains of interest: Geometry and Topology of Singularities, Differential Equations

Technical and Administrative Staff

Bajko Arpad
BAJKÓ Árpád-István, Secretary
E-mail: arpad.bajko[at]
Address: Mathematica 209, Tel: 0264-403477, int. 311