Large-scale European project in the field of artificial intelligence, implemented by BBU

The Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) will implement, as a member of a consortium made up of 17 research institutes, industrial partners and top European universities, a large-scale European project in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industries (AI4CI) project aims to create innovative interdisciplinary programs in shaping the AI ​​expertise currently needed in the industrial environment to address the challenges and make the most of the opportunities generated by the use of artificial intelligence in connected systems and equipment. High-impact vertical AI4CI applications for automated industrial systems, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) systems and connected autonomous vehicles are targeted.

The mission of the AI4CI project thus aligns with the European strategy on AI, which identifies the development of artificial intelligence in the industrial context as a critical step in achieving the EU’s goal of becoming a leader in Artificial Intelligence.

The AI4CI project will be implemented in the next 4 years and has a total budget of 10 million euros. The program developed by AI4CI will ensure elite training of future specialists in artificial intelligence, a field with a remarkable evolution and rapid development. The project will contribute to covering the needs of companies and entrepreneurs, as well as maximizing the potential of research centers and digital innovation hubs.

“The UBB ecosystem in artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the strongest at the national level, with international visibility and impact. I am glad that we are part of this project, AI and innovative developments in technology/engineering at BBU, being today defining for BBU, as confirmed by the establishment of the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT Digital) Office for Romania at BBU, “

states the rector of UBB, university professor Dr. Daniel David.

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at BBU, prof. Dr. Anca Andreica, adds that

“The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science plays an extremely important role in the field of Artificial Intelligence at the national and European level, confirmed by winning this project, together with other prestigious international partners. Within this partnership, study programs with a major impact on the training of specialists will be supported, with an emphasis on innovation in this priority field.”