Faculty of Engineering of the Babeș-Bolyai University organizes the 9th Student Scientific Symposium: EMING 2021

Faculty of Engineering of the Babeș-Bolyai University organizes the 9th Student Scientific Symposium: EMING 2021.

Symposium Sections

  • Electrical engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Mechanical engineering. Materials and technologies
  • Economic engineering and fundamental sciences
  • Multidisciplinary section for high school students

Paper submission

The submission is made by e-mail, differentiated by sections, to the following addresses, until the date of: 20 May 2021.

Editing instructions

The participants at the symposium will prepare the paper in extenso according to the model available at the journal’s site:


The selected papers will be published in the journal EMING, print ISSN: 2392-8743

EMING 2021 CFP.pdf