Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (RISMAA)

“Mathematical Analysis is as extensive as nature herself.”
Joseph Fourier

Launch of the

Romanian Itinerant Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (RISMAA)

June 24, 2017

Why do Romanian researchers working in Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications need an itinerant seminar?

In the last years I have visited for research purposes several Romanian universities and research institutions. Based on the information provided by these visits I can say there is a huge research force in Romania which is oriented to mathematical analysis and its applications. I think that an itinerant seminar (in particular, RISMAA) would create an appropriate environment for all Romanian researchers working in this vast area. Specifically, periodic meetings organized in different places of the country will gather from time to time researchers from different institutions to form strong large groups which can facilitate a fast interchange of ideas. Although there are nowadays excellent means of communication, face-to-face conversations cannot be replaced by anything else, so periodic meetings are strongly needed. This is the role of the RISMAA.

Some ideas and steps towards establishing the RISMAA

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science from the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca has already agreed to my proposal to initiate the RISMAA and promised full support to this ambitious project. Recently the dean of the faculty, Professor Adrian Petruşel, also accepted my suggestion to host in Cluj-Napoca the first meeting of the RISMAA in April 20-21, 2018 and to jointly coordinate this seminar. Additionally, I suggest that the Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU) in Cluj-Napoca be the Romanian institution charged with the whole coordination of the RISMAA. In particular, a webpage of the RISMAA will be created and included into the website of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the BBU. A link to this webpage will be posted at each joining institution/department.

The coordinators are going to contact colleagues from all the Romanian universities and research institutions to see whether there is interest in such a project. The Scientific Committee associated with the RISMAA is proposed here, but this list is open for new colleagues. For each session of the RISMAA there will be an ad-hoc local organizing committee.

It seems 2 days is the best period of time for every session of the RISMAA. One or two sessions will be organized every year. There will be invited lectures and short talks. Participants are expected to get financial support from their own institutions or from other sources. A minimal registration fee will be proposed.

Participants’ papers will be published in special volumes after a careful selection conducted by the Scientific Committee.

The RISMAA is intended to cover various areas such as:

  • Calculus of Variations
  • Evolution Equations
  • Functional Analysis
  • Geometric Analysis
  • Integral Equations
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operator Theory
  • Optimal Control
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Partial Differential Equations
  • Optimization Theory
  • Set-valued Analysis
  • Various applications to Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Economics, Mechanics, Medicine, Physics, etc.

The RISMAA is open to all Romanian researchers (from Romania and from abroad) working on subjects in these areas or other related subjects. Foreign participants are also welcome (in this case English will be the language of the corresponding sessions).

Gheorghe Moroșanu – Invited Professor of Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania