Facilitating Model Training with Automated Techniques

  • B.E.M. Mursa Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, 1, M. Kogalniceanu Street, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • M. Kuti-Kreszacs Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, 1, M. Kogalniceanu Street, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • C. Moroz-Dubenco Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, 1, M. Kogalniceanu Street, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • F. Bota Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, 1, M. Kogalniceanu Street, 400084, Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Automating artificial intelligence (AI) model training has emerged as a significant challenge in the field of automation. The complete pipeline from raw data to model deployment poses the need to define robust processes that ensure the efficiency of the services that expose the models. This paper introduces a generic architecture for automating data preparation, training of models, selection of models, and deployment of models as web services for third-party consumption using Microsoft Azure Machine Learning’s (AzureML) CI/CD tools. We conducted a practical experiment utilizing AzureML pipelines with predefined and custom modules, demonstrating its readiness for integration into any production application. We also successfully integrated this architecture into a real-world product designed for industrial forecasting. This practical implementation demonstrates the effectiveness and adaptability of our approach, indicating its potential to address diverse training needs.


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How to Cite
MURSA, B.E.M. et al. Facilitating Model Training with Automated Techniques. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Informatica, [S.l.], v. 68, n. 2, p. 53-68, dec. 2023. ISSN 2065-9601. Available at: <https://www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~studia-i/journal/journal/article/view/93>. Date accessed: 26 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.24193/subbi.2023.2.04.