Editor-in-Chief: Horia F. Pop, Professor
Executive Editor: Gabriela Czibula, Professor

Publisher: Babeș-Bolyai University
ISSN: 1224-869x (paper version) -- Ceased in 2022
ISSN: 2065-9601 (online version)

Periodicity: Biannual (since 2014)
Author charges: The journal does not charge the authors for paper submissions and/or publications.

About Studia UBB Informatica

Aims and Scope

Studia UBB Informatica is a publication medium for original research papers of lasting value in Computer Science. Coverage includes all areas of Computer Science, as defined by the ACM Computing Classification System.

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Submissions are judged primarily on originality, significance, and breadth of interest. To be accepted, a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field. Contributions should also conform to generally accepted practices for scientific papers with respect to organization, style of writing and ethics (respect the "Harvard Guide to Using Sources: What Constitutes Plagiarism?").

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Journal abstracted/indexed by

Journal accreditation

  • Accredited: CNCSIS (Romanian National University Research Council)
  • CNCSIS code: 518
  • Level: B+

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