Laboratory 8 - Exercises

Function calls


  1. Read two numbers a and b (in base 10) from the keyboard and calculate their product. This value will be stored in a variable called "result" (defined in the data segment).
  2. Read two numbers a and b (in base 10) from the keyboard and calculate a/b. This value will be stored in a variable called "result" (defined in the data segment). The values are considered in signed representation.
  3. Two natural numbers a and b (a, b: dword, defined in the data segment) are given. Calculate their sum and display the result in the following format: "<a> + <b> = <result>". Example: "1 + 2 = 3"
    The values will be displayed in decimal format (base 10) with sign.
  4. Two natural numbers a and b (a, b: dword, defined in the data segment) are given. Calculate their product and display the result in the following format: "<a> * <b> = <result>". Example: "2 * 4 = 8"
    The values will be displayed in decimal format (base 10) with sign.
  5. Two natural numbers a and b (a, b: dword, defined in the data segment) are given. Calculate a/b and display the quotient and the remainder in the following format: "Quotient = <quotient>, remainder = <remainder>". Example: for a = 23, b = 10 it will display: "Quotient = 2, remainder = 3".
    The values will be displayed in decimal format (base 10) with sign.
  6. Two natural numbers a and b (a: dword, b: dword, defined in the data segment) are given. Calculate a/b and display the quotient in the following format: "<a>/<b> = <quotient>". Example: for a = 200, b = 5 it will display: "200/5 = 40".
    The values will be displayed in decimal format (base 10) with sign.
  7. Two natural numbers a and b (a: dword, b: dword, defined in the data segment) are given. Calculate a/b and display the remainder in the following format: "<a> mod <b> = <remainder>". Example: for a = 23, b = 5 it will display: "23 mod 5 = 3".
    The values will be displayed in decimal format (base 10) with sign.
  8. A natural number a (a: dword, defined in the data segment) is given. Read a natural number b from the keyboard and calculate: a + a/b. Display the result of this operation. The values will be displayed in decimal format (base 10) with sign.
  9. Read two numbers a and b (base 10) from the keyboard and calculate: (a+b)/(a-b). The quotient will be stored in a variable called "result" (defined in the data segment). The values are considered in signed representation.
  10. Read a number in base 10 from the keyboard and display the value of that number in base 16 Example: Read: 28; display: 1C
  11. Read a number in base 16 from the keyboard and display the value of that number in base 10 Example: Read: 1D; display: 29
  12. A negative number a (a: dword) is given. Display the value of that number in base 10 and in the base 16 in the following format: "a = <base_10> (base 10), a = <base_16> (base 16)"
  13. Read two numbers a and b (base 10) from the keyboard and calculate: (a+b)*(a-b). The result of multiplication will be stored in a variable called "result" (defined in the data segment).
  14. Read two numbers a and b (in base 16) from the keyboard and calculate a+b. Display the result in base 10
  15. Read two numbers a and b (in base 10) from the keyboard and calculate a+b. Display the result in base 16
  16. Read two numbers a and b (in base 10) from the keyboard. Calculate and print their arithmetic average in base 16
  17. Read a number in base 10 from the keyboard and display the value of that number in base 16
  18. Read a decimal number and a hexadecimal number from the keyboard. Display the number of 1's of the sum of the two numbers in decimal format. Example:
    a = 32 = 0010 0000b
    b = 1Ah = 0001 1010b
    32 + 1Ah = 0011 1010b
    The value printed on the screen will be 4
  19. Read one byte and one word from the keyboard. Print on the screen "YES" if the bits of the byte read are found consecutively among the bits of the word and "NO" otherwise. Example: a = 10 = 0000 1010b
    b = 256 = 0000 0001 0000 0000b
    The value printed on the screen will be NO.
    a = 0Ah = 0000 1010b
    b = 6151h = 0110 0001 0101 0001b
    The value printed on the screen will be YES (you can find the bits on positions 5-12).
  20. Read two doublewords a and b in base 16 from the keyboard. Display the sum of the low parts of the two numbers and the difference between the high parts of the two numbers in base 16 Example:
    a = 00101A35h
    b = 00023219h
    sum = 4C4Eh
    difference = Eh
  21. Read two words a and b in base 10 from the keyboard. Determine the doubleword c such that the low word of c is given by the sum of the a and b and the high word of c is given by the difference between a and b. Display the result in base 16 Example:
    a = 574, b = 136
    c = 01B602C6h
  22. Two numbers a and b are given. Compute the expression value: (a+b)*k, where k is a constant value defined in data segment. Display the expression value (in base 10).
  23. Read a hexadecimal number with 2 digits from the keyboard. Display the number in base 10, in both interpretations: as an unsigned number and as an signed number (on 8 bits).
  24. Two numbers a and b are given. Compute the expression value: (a/b)*k, where k is a constant value defined in data segment. Display the expression value (in base 2).
  25. Read two numbers a and b (in base 10) from the keyboard and determine the order relation between them (either a < b, or a = b, or a > b). Display the result in the following format: "<a> < <b>, <a> = <b> or <a> > <b>".
  26. Two numbers a and b are given. Compute the expression value: (a-b)*k, where k is a constant value defined in data segment. Display the expression value (in base 16).
  27. A character string is given (defined in the data segment). Read one character from the keyboard, then count the number of occurences of that character in the given string and display the character along with its number of occurences.
  28. Read numbers (in base 10) in a loop until the digit '0' is read from the keyboard. Determine and display the biggest number from those that have been read.
  29. Read three numbers a, m and n (a: word, 0 <= m, n <= 15, m > n) from the keyboard. Isolate the bits m-n of a and display the integer represented by those bits in base 16
  30. Read numbers (in base 10) in a loop until the digit '0' is read from the keyboard. Determine and display the smallest number from those that have been read.

Text file operation


Note: the text files can have large sizes!
  1. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, count the number of vowels and display the result on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  2. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, count the number of consonants and display the result on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  3. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, count the number of even digits and display the result on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  4. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, count the number of odd digits and display the result on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  5. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, count the number of special characters and display the result on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  6. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, determine the digit with the highest frequency and display the digit along with its frequency on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  7. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, determine the lowercase letter with the highest frequency and display the letter along with its frequency on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  8. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, determine the uppercase letter with the highest frequency and display the letter along with its frequency on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  9. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, determine the special character with the highest frequency and display the character along with its frequency on the screen. The name of text file is defined in the data segment.
  10. Read a file name and a text from the keyboard. Create a file with that name in the current folder and write the text that has been read to file. Observations: The file name has maximum 30 characters. The text has maximum 120 characters.
  11. A file name is given (defined in the data segment). Create a file with the given name, then read words from the keyboard and write those words in the file, until character '$' is read from the keyboard.
  12. A file name is given (defined in the data segment). Create a file with the given name, then read numbers from the keyboard and write those numbers in the file, until the value '0' is read from the keyboard.
  13. A file name and a text (defined in the data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters. Transform all the lowercase letters from the given text in uppercase. Create a file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  14. A file name and a text (defined in the data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters. Transform all the uppercase letters from the given text in lowercase. Create a file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  15. A file name and a text (defined in the data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters. Replace all the special characters from the given text with the character 'X'. Create a file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  16. A text file is given. Read the content of the file, count the number of letters 'y' and 'z' and display the values on the screen. The file name is defined in the data segment.
  17. A file name is given (defined in the data segment). Create a file with the given name, then read numbers from the keyboard and write only the numbers divisible by 7 to file, until the value '0' is read from the keyboard.
  18. A text file is given. The text contains letters, spaces and points. Read the content of the file, determine the number of words and display the result on the screen. (A word is a sequence of characters separated by space or point)
  19. A file name and a text (which can contain any type of character) are given in data segment. Calculate the sum of digits in the text. Create a file with the given name and write the result to file.
  20. A file name and a text (defined in the data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters and spaces. Replace all the letters on even positions with their position. Create a file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  21. A file name and a text (defined in the data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters, digits and spaces. Replace all the digits on odd positions with the character ‘X’. Create the file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  22. A file name and a decimal number (on 16 bits) are given (the decimal number is in the unsigned interpretation). Create a file with the given name and write each digit composing the number on a different line to file.
  23. A file name and a hexadecimal number (on 16 bits) are given. Create a file with the given name and write each nibble composing the hexadecimal number on a different line to file.
  24. A file name and a text (defined in data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters. Replace all digits from the text with character 'C'. Create a file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  25. A file name and a text (defined in data segment) are given. The text contains lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters. Replace all spaces from the text with character 'S'. Create a file with the given name and write the generated text to file.
  26. A file name (defined in data segment) is given. Create a file with the given name, then read words from the keyboard until character '$' is read. Write only the words that contain at least one uppercase letter to file.
  27. A text file is given. The text file contains numbers (in base 10) separated by spaces. Read the content of the file, determine the minimum number (from the numbers that have been read) and write the result at the end of file.
  28. A file name (defined in data segment) is given. Create a file with the given name, then read words from the keyboard until character '$' is read. Write only the words that contain at least one lowercase letter to file.
  29. A text file is given. The text file contains numbers (in base 10) separated by spaces. Read the content of the file, determine the maximum number (from the numbers that have been read) and write the result at the end of file.
  30. A file name (defined in data segment) is given. Create a file with the given name, then read words from the keyboard until character '$' is read from the keyboard. Write only the words that contain at least one digit to file.