Laborator 5 - Examples

Instructions for comparisons, conditional jumps and repetitive loops. String operations.


;Given a lower case string of bytes obtain the corresponding upper case string
bits 32 
global start        
extern exit,printf ; tell nasm that exit exists even if we won't be defining it
import exit msvcrt.dll ; exit is a function that ends the calling process. It is defined in msvcrt.dll
; msvcrt.dll contains exit, printf and all the other important C-runtime specific functions
; our data is declared here (the variables needed by our program)
segment data use32 class=data
	s db 'a', 'b', 'c', 'm','n' ; declare the string of bytes
	l equ $-s ; compute the length of the string in l
	d times l db 0 ; reserve l bytes for the destination string and initialize it
segment code use32 class=code
	mov ecx, l ; we put the length l in ECX in order to make the loop
	mov esi, 0     
	jecxz Sfarsit      
		mov al, [s+esi]
		mov bl, 'a'-'A' ; in order to obtain the corresponding upper case letter, we will decrease the ASCII CODE
		; of 'a'-'A' from the lower case letter AL
		sub al, bl             
		mov [d+esi], al    
		inc esi
	loop Repeta
	Sfarsit:;end of the program

	; exit(0)
	push dword 0 ; push the parameter for exit onto the stack
	call [exit] ; call exit to terminate the program