WDO Projects 2014-2015

Pulse new generation LMS by Nicorici Nicolae Cristian

This site was created by Nicorici Nicolae Cristian and was presented on Friday 15 May 2015.

This site:

  • is based on html5-boilerplate which contains resets and normalizer,
  • has a modernizer library for adding HTML5 support for older browsers,
  • uses Bootstrap and Font Awsome for icons,
  • is written in JS using OOP; allows integrate of plugins (i.e. other classes),
  • has browser support for: Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Internet Explorer.

For optimization, all the JavaScript files are separated by CSS files and all JavaScript files are included at the end of the HTML code; gzip server reply.

The html is valid. ; the site validates with the Wave accessibility tool.

The site can also be accessed by http://xd3sign.ro/school/WDO/.

Estimated time of work 8 hours. Number of pages: 3.

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