Darabant Sergiu Adrian

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Curriculum Vitae (Eng)        Curriculum Vitae (Fr)



§  Proiect Colectiv

§  Arhitectura Calculatoarelor

§  Sisteme de operare

§  Computer interface and communication in Internet

§  Distributed Databases  

§  Grid, Cluster si Cloud Computing

§  Computer Networks

§  Specialised Protocols in Computer Networks

§  CV si Procesare avansata de Imagini in Medii Virtuale Distribuite


§  Our Face/Hair Segmentation Image Database

§  FaceARG – the Face –Age/Race/Gender dataset for race identification

§  ResearchGate Profile



We are editing a Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Based Methods and Applications" to be published in the journal

Mathematics (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/mathematics/) is a fully open access journal having  IF = 2.258 and CiteScore of 2.2. The journal has high visibility being indexed in the Science Citation Indexed Expanded - SCIE (Web of Science) and Scopus

and it is currently ranked in the first quartile (Q1, top 10%) in its JCR category.

Paper submissions are welcomed.

Submission deadline: 31/10/2022 



