

Likelihood initialisation for the Online Gaussian Process structure.


ogpinit(net, likfn, likpar,likoptfn)


ogpinit(likfn, likpar) uses the GLOBAL structure net of an online Gaussian Process data structure net and sets the function (net.likfn) that returns the online update coefficients. The vector net.likpar sets the additional parameters to this function.

With three arguments: ogpinit(likfn,likpar,likoptfn), the third argument is the address of the optimiser to the likelihood parameter. The optimiser assumes that there exists an approximation to the posterior process and the values of the posterior mean and variance at the training locations are available. The optimisation of the likelihood parameters is independent of the optimisation of the covariance kernel parameters.

If the third argument in calling ogpinit or the field net.likoptfn is empty then there is no likelihood parameter optimisation in the function ogptrain.

Below there is a description of the functions and parameters involved in likelihood optimsation.

The address in likfn is to a function that computes the coefficients for the online learning.

[loglik, q, r] = likfn(likpar, y, mu, var, mu_p, var_p);

with the following parameters:


- the likelihood parameter (see eg. c_reg_gauss).


- the training (noisy) outputs at the input.

mu, var

- the predicted mean and variance (i.e. the statistics of the marginal GP at the input).

mu_p, var_p

- the values of the prior mean and variance before the addition of the new data - called cavity means and variances. Providing these values is optional and it is returned by ogppost within the structure gpopt.


- the value of the log-average.

q, r

- the update coeficients to the online learning algorithm - vector and matrix of size nout (see c_reg_gauss).

The function likoptfn has the following structure:

newlikpar = likoptfn(oldlikpar, y, cavM, cavV, postM, postV);

where the input and output parameters are the following:

newlikpar, oldlikpar

- the new and old values of the likelihood parameters.


- the vector of training inputs

cavM, cavV

- vector of prior means and variances corresponding to the training locations !! AND !! with the contribution of the current input removed (cavity parameters).

postM, postV

- (optional) vector of posteior means and variances which is sometimes needed, e.g. if one wants to use the EM algorithm.

See Also

ogp, ogptrain, c_reg_gauss, c_reg_exp, em_gauss, em_lapl

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)