

Forward propagation through a Sparse OGP.


[y_mean, y_var] = ogpfwd(x, ktest)


y_mean = ogpfwd(x) using the GLOBAL sparse OGP data structure net together with the matrix x of input vectors, the function forward propagates the inputs through the model to generate a matrix y_mean of posterior means. Each row of x corresponds to one input vector and each row of y_mean corresponds to one output vector, the mean of the approximated posterior GP.

[y_mean, y_var] = ogpfwd(x) also generates a column vector y_var of conditional variances, each row corresponds to the variance of an input pattern.

If the network output has more than a single dimension, then the outputs (both y_mean and y_var) will be [nout*nX,1] and [nout*nX,nout] respectively.

[y_mean, y_var] = ogpfwd(net, x, ktest) uses a pre-computed covariance matrix ktest between the inputs x and the BV set in the forward propagation. It assumes that the inputs and the BV set elements do not change. This increases efficiency when several calls to ogpfwd are made.

See Also

ogp, ogpinit, demogp_reg

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)