create table sectii ( cod integer primary key, denumire varchar(70) ); Create table grupe( cod Char(10), anstudiu integer, anuniv Smallint, sectia integer references sectii(cod) ); Create table studenti( sectia integer references sectii(cod), nrmatricol Char(10), nume Char(30), prenume Char(30), cnp Char(13), primary key(sectia,nrmatricol) ); Create table traiectorie( anuniv Integer, grupa Char(10), nrmatricol Char(10), sectia Integer references sectii(cod) ); Create table discipline( cod Char(10) primary key, denumire Char(100) ); Create table rezultate( anuniv Integer, disciplina Char (10) references discipline(cod), nota Integer, notac Char(1), nrcredite Float, nrmatricol Char(10), sectia Integer, semestrucrt Integer, semestruplan Integer, tipdisc Integer ); --Average temperature in Edinburgh 1764-1820 for each month (in degrees Fahrenheit) -- create table scottish_weather ( month number(2), year number(4), avg_temp number(4,2) ); create or replace view infstud as select s.sectia,s.nrmatricol,nume,prenume,cnp,media,nrcredite,nrdisc from studenti s inner join (select sectia,nrmatricol,to_char(sum(notamax*nrcredite)/sum(nrcredite),'99.99') media,sum(nrcredite) nrcredite,count(*) nrdisc from (select sectia,nrmatricol,max(nota) notamax,nrcredite from rezultate where nota>4 group by sectia,nrmatricol,nrcredite having sum(nrcredite)>0 ) group by sectia,nrmatricol ) r on s.sectia=r.sectia and s.nrmatricol=r.nrmatricol; --viewul precedent se poate rescrie astfel: create or replace view infstud1 as with v1 as (select sectia,nrmatricol,max(nota) notamax,nrcredite from rezultate where nota>4 group by sectia,nrmatricol,nrcredite having sum(nrcredite)>0), v2 as (select sectia,nrmatricol,to_char(sum(notamax*nrcredite)/sum(nrcredite),'99.99') media,sum(nrcredite) nrcredite,count(*) nrdisc from v1 group by sectia,nrmatricol ) select s.sectia,s.nrmatricol,nume,prenume,cnp,media,nrcredite,nrdisc from studenti s inner join v2 on s.sectia=v2.sectia and s.nrmatricol=v2.nrmatricol;