Thesis Project Ideas 2023

Here is a list of ideas. Feel free to mail me for further details and collaboration.

A. An expense tracking application using privacy by design

Problem: A mobile application to track personal accounting stores (and transfers) data which is of  private and sensitive nature.

Question: What are the design and implementation aspects that can guarantee best possible privacy?

B. Distributed data synchronization

Problem: Mobile clients (such as expense tracking software) need to synchronize data without relying on a central server, but rather communicate directly (peer-to-peer).

Question: What methods/technology can be used to implement safe and secure synchronization?

C. Data converter generator for e-banking

Problem: Different e-banking applications allow to export data in some (unstandardized) form, and the data shall be transformed to be imported into accounting software.

Question: Can we build a domain specific language (with MPS) which facilitates the generation of data converter modules?

D. Multi-platform application programming

Problem: To create an application which can run on different platforms such as web, Android and iOS one needs to write them in specialized languages and tools.

Question: What are the features how specialized application frameworks (like flutter) achieve the capability of “write-once and run-anywhere”?

E. Authorized access to third party service data

Problem A: Manage contact stored on my google account: Visualize them grouped by certain tags, and modify the contact details and tags. (google contacts api and oauth)

Problem B: Access calendar data from a google account to generate a printable poster format calendar view for an entire year. (google calendar api and oauth)

Problem C: Access mails on google and derive statistics about persons contacted as well as perform cleanup of mails with large attachments. (google mail api and oauth)

Question: What are possible integration schemes with third party services work and which implementation strategies can be chosen to realize a cloud application?

F. Enhancing teams platform for teaching

Problem: Record students’ attendance of labs or seminars in an easy but secure manner and make them visible for students and teachers in MS Teams.

Questions: How to make a presence recording procedure infallible. How can this be implemented as an add-on for MS Teams?

G. Crosslinking academic publications

Problem: Much scientific literature available in digital form (PDFs of articles and books), contain citations, most often as pure text, which makes them tedious to interpret. A smart reader application could present such references with tooltips and transform them into hyperlinks.

Question: How to extract bibliographic references in a smart and reliable way from digital documents and present them to the reader in a supportive way.



