Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

syllabi of the specialization: Modern Methods in Teaching Mathematics (teaching in Romanian)

academic year: 2020-2021

1st Semester

Subject Code ECTS credits Language Type Uploaded by Upload date
Compulsory courses
Topics in algebra iMMR30465RomanianCompulsoryPelea Cosmin29.04.2020
Computer assisted studyMMR30575RomanianCompulsoryIlea Veronica01.05.2020
Topics in mathematical analysis iMMR30085RomanianCompulsoryGrosan Teodor02.05.2020
Topics in numerical calculus and approximationMMR30225RomanianCompulsoryAgratini Octavian03.05.2020

2nd Semester

Subject Code ECTS credits Language Type Uploaded by Upload date
Compulsory courses
Topics in algebra 2MMR30475RomanianCompulsoryMarcus Andrei27.04.2020
Topics on geometry iMMR30345RomanianCompulsoryAndrica Dorin30.04.2020
Dynamical aspects regarding teaching mathematics with educational softwareMMR30965RomanianCompulsoryIlea Veronica01.05.2020