Graph-directed random fractal interpolation function

Ildikó Somogyi, Anna Soos


Barnsley introduced in [1] the notion of fractal interpola-tion function (FIF). He said that a fractal function is a (FIF) if it possess some interpolation properties. It has the advantage that it canbe also combine with the classical methods or real data interpolation. Hutchinson and Ruschendorf [7] gave the stochastic version of fractalinterpolation function. In order to obtain fractal interpolation functionswith more flexibility Wang and Yu [9] use instead of a constant scalingparameter a variable vertical scaling factor. Also the notion of fractal in-terpolation can be generalized to the graph-directed case introduced byDeniz and ̈Ozdemir in [5]. In this paper we study the case of a stochasticfractal interpolation function with graph-directed fractal function.


fractal interpolation function; iterated function system;random fractal interpolation function

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