
Babes-Bolyai University
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
str. M. Kogalniceanu 1
400084 Cluj-Napoca


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Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai



Editorial Office: M. Kogălniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Tel: 0264.405300


M Frentiu, H.F. Pop, S. MotognaKEPT 2011: Editorial36
D. Tatar, M. Lupea, Zs. MarianText summarization by formal concept analysis approach712
A. PeriniDetecting textual entailment with conditions on directional text relatedness scores1318
A. Iftene, D. Trandabat, M. Toader, M. CoriciNamed entity recognition for Romanian1924
J.G. Camargo de Souza, C. OrasanCoreference resolution for Portuguese using parallel corpora word alignment2530
M. Georgiu, A. GrozaOntology enrichment using semantic wikis and design patterns3136
N. Konstantinova, C. OrasanIssues in topic tracking in Wikipedia articles3742
I. Ilisei, C. Mihaila, D. Inkpen, R. MitkovThe impact of zero anaphora on translational language: a study on Romanian newspapers4350
A. Brad, L. Neamtiu, S. Rausanu, C. SacareaConceptual knowledge processing grounded logical information system for oncological databases5154
R.D. Gaceanu, H.F. PopA context-aware ASM-based clustering algorithm5560
B. Bócsi, L. CsatóReinforcement learning algorithms in robotics6167
Sz. LefkovitsNumerical computation method of the general distance transform6874
R. Bocu, D. BocuOptimization of the informational flow in a social network - a protein network-based approach7580
C.V. GlodeanuFactorization methods of binary, triadic, real and fuzzy data8186
I. Comsa, C. Grosan, S. YangA brief analysis of evolutionary algorithms for the dynamic multiobjective subset sum problem8794
F. Zamfirache, M. FrîncuAutomatic selection of scheduling algorithms based on classification models95100
T.D. Mihoc, R.I. Lung, N. Gaskó, D. DumitrescuNondomination in large games: Berge-Zhukovskii equilibrium101106
A. Sîrghi, D. DumitrescuSelf-organized criticality and economic crises107112
D. Dumitrescu, R.I. Lung, N. GaskóAn evolutionary approach of detecting some refinements of the Nash equilibrium113118
Zs. Marian, C. Coman, A. BarthaLearning to play the guessing game119124
A. Gog, C. ChiraCollaborative search operators for evolutionary approaches to density classification in cellular automata125130