Data Structures and Algorithms - Computer Science in English

Didactic activity for the Data Structures and Algorithms course will be held using the MS Teams platform. Students enrolled in this course are required to join the team until 22.02.2021 8:00 AM. The access code is vz8mdnu.
All materials (lectures, seminars, lab problems, etc.) will be posted in this team.
Students are also requested to join the IE - Data structures and Algorithms - 2020-2021 course on Moodle (

Guiding teachers:

Lect. dr. Onet-Marian Zsuzsanna - email address:
Lect. dr. Lupsa Dana - email address:
PhD Student Mihai Andrei - email address:
PhD Student Albu Alexandra-Ioana - email address:

Students from 2nd, 3rd and above years, who have to redo the DSA course are required to contact me as soon as possible to discuss their situation. Even if attendances and/or lab grade is accepted from previous year, students have to enroll in the MS Teams and Moodle courses. Moreover, students are encouraged to participate at the lectures and seminars this year, since this helps them keep in touch with the course material.

Conform LEN 2011, inregistrarea prin orice procedee a activitatii didactice poate fi facuta numai cu acordul cadrului didactic. NU ESTE PERMISA INREGISTRAREA ACTIVITATILOR DIDACTICE.