

Initialises the Sparse Gaussian Process hyperparameters.


ogphypcovpar(hyplambda, hypmean)


ogphypcovpar(hyplambda) initialises the hyperparameter vector of the Sparse Gaussian Process structure net, where hyplambda specifies the precision (inverse variance) of the parameters - where the parameter order is given by the function ogppak. Since several parameters have to be positive, ogppak usually contains the log-transformed parameters, forcing positivity.

If a single parameter is given, zero mean is assumed to the (log)parameters except for the input scales which are initialised to -4.605-log(2*nin) which supposes a preference for lengthscales of order 100 increasing with the number of dimensions.

If unnormalised inputs are used, then it is advised to have the mean values initialised to values proportional to negative log-variance. The inference on the hyper-parameter level is ML2 inference, thus vague priors are beneficial for the stability of the algorithm.

A manual setup of the hyperparameters is recommended only if some specific knowledge about the data is known.

The function sets the fields of the GLOBAL variable net.

See Also

ogp, ogppak, ogpcovarp, ogptrain

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)