

Computes the gradient for the Sparse OGP.


covf = ogpevidgrad(hp);


g = ogpevidgrad(hp) takes the OGP parameter vector hp and the GLOBAL Sparse OGP data structure net and returns the gradient of the marginal likelihood (i.e. the gradient of the evidence).

The gradient is computed only with respect to the kernel parameters, the gradients of the evidence w.r.t. the likelihood parameters are treated differently. g is a column vector with the dimension of model hyperparameters where the order is provided by ogppak.

This function uses ogpcovgrad to compute the gradient values. If the structure ep is empty, then the gradient (and the evidendce) is only approximate, this might lead to inaccuracies when optimising the kernel parameters.

The computation of the gradient is can be extremely time and memory-consuming. To alleviate the memory requirements, if there are too many elements to compute, ogpevidgrad makes a sequence of gradient computations, i.e. calls ogpcovgrad with an optional argument -- see the documentation of ogpcovgrad for details.

See Also

ogpcovarf, ogppak, ogpcovgrad, ogptrain

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)