

Finds the BV that contributes the least to the GP


[imin, scores] = ogpbvmin(gInd);


imin = ogpbvmin - returns the index if the BV that has the smallest score (i.e. contribution) to the Gaussian Process net. The loss measure is the KL-distance between the GP with the full GP set and the GP with the BV with index imin optimally removed.

If there is a second output variable scores, then the loss vector for each BV element is returned.

If an additional indicator input variable gInd is present, then the KL-distance is replaced with the ``Euclidean'' distance in the feature space, i.e. the values of net.C and net.w are ignored.

See Also

ogp, ogptrain

Pages: Index

Copyright (c) Lehel Csató (2001-2004)