Do you want 10?


Good. What's your plan then?

How will you study?

Do you know your deadlines?

Can you motivate yourself?

What methods do you use to evaluate how much you've learnt?


Learn (lecture, seminary, lab notes, tutorials). Practice (do your homework, if still unsure, try some more problems). Evaluate (simulate a test for example).


Challenge: Write an essey titled ”How I will earn a 10 ” describing your stragey to learn and practice during the following weeks of the semester, that will earn you a 10.

Talk about planning, time management, learning techniques and automotivalional skills that you will use, but also auto-evaluation in half a page to a page.

It is important to dare to have high objectives, and if you have a plan for them, what can really stand in your way to get that 10 after all? A half page plan can make the difference... stick to it!



No, 5 is sufficient for me.


Maybe. Maybe you are the type that is happy with a small lousy job just to pass the time. You don't want to earn much, half a salary will do. 

You want peace of mind and nothing much to bother it. If this is so, why bother indeed with more than 5? 

This is perfectly all right, as long as it is what you want and this is your deliberate choice. You are in charge of your life now.

P.S. A 5 would also require a bit of a plan and effort... after all, this is no easy subject and not a ballet faculty, you know...


But please be aware of your way of thinking, and if what you aim is really what you want. This stands both ways - you might be aiming for 10, but maybe the trouble and work that comes with it is not really what you want to go through.