Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Study Cycle: Graduate


MID0002 Object-Oriented Programming
Hours: C+S+L
Computer Science
Mathematics and Computer Science
Information engineering
Teaching Staff in Charge
Lect. GURAN Adriana Mihaela,
Lect. DARVAY Zsolt, Ph.D.,
Lect. TRÎMBITAS Gabriela, Ph.D.,
Asist. DIOSAN Laura Silvia,
Lect. OLAH-GAL Robert, Ph.D.,
On completion of the class, a student should be able:
* to prepare an object-oriented design of small/medium scale problems
* to demonstrate the differences between traditional imperative design and object-oriented design
* to explain class structures as fundamental, modular building blocks
* to understand the role of inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding and generic structures in building reusable code
* to explain and to use defensive programming strategies, employing formal assertions and exception handling
* to write small/medium scale C++ programs
* to use classes written by other programmers when constructing their systems
* to understand and to use fundamental data structures: collections, sets, dictionaries, lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs.
1. Basic elements of C++ language.
- Lexical elements. Operators. Conversions.
- Data types. Variables. Constants.
- Visibility scope and lifetime of the variables.
- Namespaces.
2. Statements and functions in C++.
- C++ Statements.
- Function declaration and definition.
- Function overloading.
- Inline function.
3. Derived data types and user data types, dynamic allocation in C++.
- Data types: array and struct.
- Data types: pointer and reference.
- Memory allocation and deallocation.
- Pointers to functions and pointers void.
4. Modular programming in C++.
- Header files. Libraries.
- Modular implementations of ADTS.
- Using the void pointer to achieve genericity.
5. Object oriented in C++.
- Classes and objects.
- Members of a class. Access modifiers.
- Constructors / destructors
- UML diagrams for classes (members, accessibility).
- Association and aggregation relations between
classes -UML representation;
6. Operators' overloading. Static members. Friends.
- Class Linked_List. Iterator on list.
7. Inheritance
- Simple inheritance. Derived classes.
- Substitution principle.
- Method overriding.
- Multiple inheritance.
- Specialization/generalization relation - UML representation.
8. Polymorphism.
- Virtual methods.
- Dynamic binding.
- Virtual inheritance.
- Code reusing (inheritance/composition).
- Conversions (upcast/downcast).
9. Object oriented design and interface based design.
- Abstract classes, interfaces.
- UML representation for interfaces.
- Object oriented design of a library of the basic data structures
10. Input/output operation. (C10+S10)
- I/O streams. I/O Hierarchies of classes.
- Format. Manipulators.
- Files.
11. Templates.
- Template functions. Template classes.
- Source-code reusing.
12. STL library
- Container classes and iterators.
- STL algorithms.
13. Exception handling.
- Notion of exception in programming.
- Exception handling. in C++.
14. Visual C++ environment.
- User Interface Components.
- Events.

1. A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft, J.D. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addisson-Wessley Publ., Massachusetts, 1983.
2. R. Andonie, I. Garbacea, Algoritmi fundamentali. O perspectiva C++, Editura Libris,
3. Alexandrescu, Programarea modernă in C++. Programare generică si modele de proiectare aplicate, Editura Teora, 2002
4. M. Frentiu, B. Parv, Elaborarea programelor. Metode si tehnici moderne, Ed. Promedia, Cluj-Napoca, 1994.
5. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, D. Mehta, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, Computer Science Press, Oxford, 1995.
6. K.A. Lambert, D.W. Nance, T.L. Naps, Introduction to Computer Science with C++, West Publishing Co., New-York, 1996.
7. L. Negrescu, Limbajul C++, Ed. Albastra,Cluj-Napoca 1996.
Cluj_Napoca, 1995.
8. Dan Roman, Ingineria programarii obiectuale, Editura Albastra, Cluj_Napoca, 1996.
9. B. Stroustup, The C++ Programming Language, Addison Wesley, 1998.
Final grade is obtained based on:
A. Laboratory activity N1: 20%
B. Seminar activity N2: 10%
C. Written exam N3: 50%
D. Practical exam N4: 20%
The written exam takes place during the exams@ session. The practical exam will be organized on the last week of the semester, during the laboratory classes.
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