Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Study Cycle: Graduate


MID0036 Human-Computer Interaction
Hours: C+S+L
Computer Science - in Romanian
Teaching Staff in Charge
Lect. GURAN Adriana Mihaela,
At the end of thos course the students will be able:
* to know the importance of focusing on users and users@ needs
* to use abstract user interface definition languages
* to develop groupware applications
* to apply interaction design techniques
* to develop plastic user interfaces
* to understand basic concepts from psychology related to the interaction between human and the computers and their interaction
* to apply user centered design techniques in software development
* to develop usable interactive systems
* to apply usability evaluation techniques
* to apply interface design patterns and interaction design patterns

-I/O channels
-Display devices
-VR and 3D interaction devices

Human-Computer Interaction
- Interaction Models
- Interaction styles
- WIMP interfaces
- interaction paradigms
- Designing Experiences

Interaction design
- Interaction design process
- Users - design process focus
- Scenarios
- Navigation design
- Prototyping
- User interface development tools

- What is usability?
- Usability evaluation methods
- Usability metrics
- Automatoc usability evaluation
- Usability questionnaires

Interaction design rules
- Usability principles
- Standards
- Rules
- Euristics
- Interface/interaction design patterns

Evaluation techniques
- What is evaluation?
- Evaluation goals
- Evaluation methods
- Choosing an evaluation method

Interaction models
- Cognitive models
- Lingvistic models
- Physical models

Task analysis
- What is task analysis?
- Task Analysis methods: HTA, GTA
- Task analysis tools

Dialogue description methods
- What is dialogue?
- Diagramatic notations
- Textual notations
- User interface markup languages

Designing GROUPWARE systems

Intelligent interfaces
- Interface agents
- Adaptive and adaptative systems
1. Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D Abowd, Russell Beale - Human-Computer Interaction,
Prentice Hall, third edition, 2004
2. Donald A. Norman - Emotional Design - Why we love (or hate) everiday things, basic Books, 2004
3. Martijn van Welie - Task-based User Interface Design, 2001
4. Donald A Norman - The design of everyday things, basic Books, 1988
5. Fabio Paterno - Model-based design and evaluation of interactive applications, Springer, 1999
6. Jennifer Tidwell - Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction Design, O@Reilly, 2005
7. Jacob Nielsen - Usabaility Engineering, Academic Press, 1993
The final grade will be computed based on the practical activity from laboratories and the grade obtained based on a written paper. The practical activity grade will be obtained considering 3 practical projects. The final grade will be computed as (3*S+L)/4, where S is the grade obtained on the written paper and L is the grade obtained for the practical activity.
Links: Syllabus for all subjects
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