Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca

Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică

Proiectarea automată a paginilor Web (în limba engleză) Automated design of Web pages
Ore: C+S+L
Baze de date în Internet şi comerţ electronic
(Database in Internet and electronic commerce)
Cadre didactice indrumatoare Teaching Staff in Charge
Conf. Dr. POP Horia Florin, hfpop@cs.ubbcluj.ro
Obiective Aims
1. Sa introduca studentului un nou mod de a realiza aplicatii: Internetul.
2. Sa deprinda studentul cu particularitatile realizarii de aplicatii pe Internet.
3. Sa ofere studentului instrumentele si limbajele de programare care sa ii permita sa realizeze aplicatii Internet eficiente.
1. To introduce to the student a new way to develop applications: the Internet.
2. To help the student get used to the particularities of developing applications in the Internet.
3. To offer the student the instruments and programming languages that will allow him (her) to design efficent Internet applications.
1. Introducere in programarea in Internet
1.1. Scurta istorie a Internet-ului
1.2. Elemente specifice ale programarii in Internet
1.3. Elemente de proiectare WWW
1.4. Securitate si encriptare
1.5. Dezvoltarea de aplicatii Intranet
2. Perl si CGI
2.1. Perl si Internet
2.2. CGI si Internet
2.3. Utilizarea CGI in aplicatii Internet
2.4. Limbajul Perl
2.5. Perl in aplicatii Internet
3.1. HTML si CSS
3.2. SGML
3.3. Extensii Netscape
3.4. Extensii Microsoft Explorer
3.5. XHTML
3.6. XML si XSL
4. Limbaje de script-uri
4.1. JavaScript si Internet
4.2. Limbajul JavaScript
4.3. JavaScript in aplicatii Internet
4.4. VBScript si Internet
4.5. Limbajul VBScript
4.6. Pagini de aplicatii VBScript
4.7. Scripturi CGI sub shell Unix
5. Tehnologii Server-Side
6. Implementari Microsoft
6.1. Comunicare sub Windows
6.2. Win32 Internet API
6.3. Internet Information Server
6.4. ActiveX
6.5. ActiveX vs. Java
7. Alte limbaje de scripting
7.1. WML, WML Script
8. Alte elemente de programare in Internet
1. Bob Breedlove et al, Web Programming Unleashed, Sams Publishing, 1996
2. William R. Stanek, Web Publishing Unleashed - Professional Reference Edition, Sams Publishing, 1997
3. Platinum Edition Using HTML 3.2, Java 1.1, & CGI, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
4. Special Edition Using CGI, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
5. Special Edition Using HTML, Second Edition, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
6. Special Edition Using Java, Second Edition, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
7. Special Edition Using JavaScript, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
8. Special Edition Using Perl 5 for Web Programming, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
9. Special Edition Using VRML, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
10. The Web Programming Desktop Reference 6-in-1, Electronic Edition, MacMillan Computers Publishing, http://www.mcp.com
Evaluare Assessment
Fiecare student trebuie sa demonstreze ca a atins un nivel acceptabil de intelegere si procesare a cunostintelor domeniului, ca este capabil sa exprime cunostintele intr-o forma coerenta, ca are capacitatea de a realiza o analiza conceptuala a domeniului, si de a utiliza cunostintele in rezolvarea problemelor. Nota finala va fi compusa luand in calcul urmatoarele componente: rapoartele teoretice si tehnice; proiectul realizat; lucrarea scrisa.
Each student has to prove that (s)he acquired an acceptable level of understanding and processing of the domain knowledge, that (s)he is able of expressing this knowledge in a coherent form, that (s)he has the ability to develop a conceptual analysis of the domain and to use the knowledge in problems solving. The final grade will be based on the following components: theoretical and technical reports; programming project; written paper.