Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" din Cluj-Napoca

Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică

Programare bazată pe componente (1) Component based programming (1)
Ore: C+S+L
Programare bazată pe componente
(Component-Based Programming)
Cadre didactice indrumatoare Teaching Staff in Charge
Prof. Dr. PÂRV Bazil, bparv@cs.ubbcluj.ro
Obiective Aims
La terminarea cursului, studentii trebuie sa posede
a) cunostinte sistematice despre programarea orientata pe componente
b) cunoasterea modelelor obiect discutate, cu asemanarile si deosebirile dintre ele
c) deprinderi de folosire a limbajelor de programare (C++, Java, Component Pascal) pentru implementarea de obiecte COM, SOM, CORBA, JVM si Component Pascal
d) motivatia necesara privind importanta standardelor in programarea pe componente
At the completion of this course, the students will be able to:
a) have a systematic knowledge about component oriented programming
b) completely understand the object models discussed
c) know how to use programming languages (C++, Java, Component Pascal) to implement COM, SOM, CORBA, JVM, Component Pascal objects
d) have the necessary motivation about the main role of standards in component oriented programming
1. Ce este programarea orientata pe componente.
2. Modele obiect.
2.1. Caracteristicile generale ale unui model obiect.
2.2. Modelul COM.
2.3. Modelul SOM.
2.4. Modelul CORBA.
2.5. Modelul Java Virtual Machine.
2.6. Modelul Component Pascal.
Tematica seminariilor.
S1 - Surse de informatie disponibile pe Internet.
S2-S5 - Modelul COM.
S6-S7 - Modelele SOM si CORBA.
S8-S10 - Modelul JVM.
S11-S14 - Modelul Component Pascal.
Tematica laboratoarelor.
L1 - Surse de informatie disponibile pe Internet.
S2-S5 - Implementari COM.
S6-S9 - Implementari JVM.
S10-S14 - Implementari Component Pascal.
[Bar97] Michael Barnes, Component Road Map. A Hurwitz Group White Paper, 1997, http://hurwitz.harvard.net/component.html.
[BBC97] Documentatia mediului BlackBox Builder Component Framework (versiune educationala), http://www.oberon.ch/prod/BlackBox/download.html.
[Box96] Don Box, The Component Object Model and Some Other Model: A comparison of technologies revisited yet again, http://www.develop.com/COM_vs_SOM_Summ.htm.
[CTwww] Component Technology Homepage, http://www.odateam.com.
[Fit95] Bert Fitie, Component Software and Oberon: A Perspective on Oberon/F, The Oberon Tribune No 1/1, July 1995.
[IBM94] The System Object Model (SOM) and the Component Object Model (COM): A comparison of technologies revisited, IBM Corp., Object Technology Products Group, Austin, Texas,
[Lev98] Rich Levin, Components on the Track, 1998
[MSwww] The Microsoft Object Technology Strategy: Component Software, 1996
[Orf96] Bob Orfali, Dan Harkey si Jeri Edwards, The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide, Wiley, 1996.
[OTwww] Colectia revistei The Oberon Tribune (in format electronic)
[Par96] Bazil Parv, Visual Basic in serial, PC Report, Ianuarie 1997 - Mai 1998.
[Par98a] Bazil Parv, Componente soft, PC Report, Iunie 1998.
[Par98b] Bazil Parv, Modele obiect in programarea orientata pe componente, PC Report, Iunie 1998.
[Pfi97] Cuno Pfister, Component Software: A Case Study using BlackBox Components, http://www.oberon.ch/docu/case_study/index.html.
[Sho97] Keith Short, Component Based Development and Modelling, Sterling Software 1997, http://www.cool.sterling.com/whitepaper/coverpg.htm.
[Szy95] Clemens Szyperski, Component-Oriented Programming - A Refined Variation on Object-Oriented Programming, The Oberon Tribune No 1/2, December 1995.
[Szy97] Clemens Szyperski, Component Software. Beyond Object-Oriented Programming, Addison-Wesley 1998,
Evaluare Assessment
Forma de examinare este examenul scris, ce va avea o parte teoretica si o parte aplicativa (discutia unui studiu de caz).
Nota finala va fi formata din:
a) Activitatea de la laborator: 2 pct
b) Activitatea de la seminar: 1 pct
b) Lucrare scrisa
1. Partea teoretica: 4 pct
2. Parte aplicativa: studiu de caz - 2 pct
The assessment method is written exam. There will be two parts: the first one will contain theoretical questions, and the second a minicase study. The final mark (on a ten points scale, one point by default) will be obtained as:
a) Lab activity: 2 pct
b) Seminar activity: 1 pct
c) Written exam:
1. Theoretical part: 4 pct
2. Minicase study: 2 pct