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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which use a logographic writing system and need larger font sizes.

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To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see AdvancedOptions
!! Capitol de carte
Simona Motogna, Ioan Lazar, Bazil Parv. //An MDA Approach for Developing Executable UML Components//. in Model-Driven Domain Analysis and Software Development: Architectures and Functions (eds Erika Asnina, Janis Osis), IGI Global - Publishing Academic Excellence. 2010 (To appear).
!!Articole in jurnale internationale
# [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]]. [[ComDeValCo framework - the modeling language for procedural paradigm|]]. //[[International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control  (IJCCC)|]]//, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, pp. 183-195. (''ISI'')
# [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar, [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]]. [[ComDeValCo Tools for Procedural Paradigm|]]. //[[International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control|]]//, Felix, Romania, 15-17 May, 2008, pp. 243-247. ISSN 1841-9836, e-ISSN 1841-9844 (''ISI'')
# ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar, [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]]. Code Generation from an fuml Action Language. //[[International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control|]]//, Felix, Romania, 12-16 May, 2010. (A se vedea paper 33 in [[ICCC accepted papers|]]. Va fi publicat in [[IJCCC|]], 2010.
# [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. ComdevAlco Framework: Working with Objects and Components. //[[International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control|]]//, Felix, Romania, 12-16 May, 2010. (A se vedea paper 47 in [[ICCC accepted papers|]]. Va fi publicat in [[IJCCC|]], 2010.

!!Articole in volume cu lucrari ale unor conferinte internationale 
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[An Agile MDA Approach for the Development of ~Service-Oriented ~Component-Based Applications|]]. //Proceedings of the International Conference “Complexity and Intelligence of the artificial and Natural Complex Systems. Medical Applications of the Complex Systems, Biomedical Computing//, Editors: Barna Iantovics, Calin Enachescu, Florin Filip, Tg. Mures, Romania, 2008, pp. 37-46. (''ISI'')
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[iComponent: A Platform-independent Component Model for Dynamic Execution Environment|]]. //[[10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing|]]//, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2008. Accepted (''ISI'')
# [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. Component Classification Criteria for a Platform-independent Component Repository. //[[5th International Conference of Applied Mathematics|]]//, ~Baia-Mare, Romania, September 18-20, 2008. 
# [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]]. [[An Agile MDA Approach for Service-Oriented Components|]]. //Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science// 253 (2009), 95-110.
# [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[ComDeValCo Framework - Procedural and Modular Issues|]]. //The Second International Conference Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT 09)//, ~Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2-3, 2009. Selected papers (eds. M. Frenţiu and H.F. Pop), pp. 213-222, Cluj University Press, ISSN 2067-1180.
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Bazil Parv|]]. [[Rapid Prototyping of Conversational Web Flows|]]. //The Second International Conference Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT 09)//, ~Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2-3, 2009. //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LIV, Special Issue, ~KEPT-2009, Knowledge in Software Engineering, 2009, Selected papers (eds. M. Frenţiu and H.F. Pop), 2-4 July 2009, 223-230, Cluj University Press, ISSN 2067-1180
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[Rapid prototyping of service-oriented applications on OSGi platform|]]. //4th Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI 09)//, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 17-19, 2009. 217-222, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-3783-2 (''ISI'')
# ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar, [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]]. [[Using a fUML Action Language to construct UML models|]]. //[[11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing|]]//, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2009, pp. 93-101, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-3694-5.  (''ISI'')
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Bazil Parv|]] [[Behaviour-Driven Development of Foundational UML Components|]]. //Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science// 253 (2010), 131-147.
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Bazil Parv|]] Realizing Use Cases for Full Code Generation in the Context of fUML. [[Model-Driven Architecture and Modeling Theory-Driven Development - MDA & MTDD 2010|]] 2010 (Accepted).

!!Articole in jurnale nationale
# [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[ComDeValCo - A Framework for Software Component Definition, Validation, and Composition|]]. //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LII, No. 2, 2007, pp. 59-68.
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[An Agile MDA Approach for Executable UML Structured Activities|]], //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LII, No. 2, 2007, pp. 101-114.
# [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar.  [[Extension of an ~OCL-based Executable UML Components Action Language|]]. //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LIII, No. 2, 2008, pp. 15-26.
# ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar, [[Ioan Lazar|]]. [[On Simplifying the Construction of Executable UML Structured Activities|]]. //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LIII, No. 2, 2008, pp. 147-160.
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. An Agile MDA Approach for Component-Based Development. //Proceedings of the International Conference “Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems. Medical Applications of the Complex Systems, Biomedical Computing//, Editors: Barna Iantovics, Calin Enachescu, Florin Filip, Tg. Mures, Romania, 2008, pp. 147-150.
# [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Bazil Parv|]]. [[Rapid Prototyping of Conversational Web Flows||]]. //The Second International Conference Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques (KEPT 09)//, ~Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2-3, 2009. //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LIV, Special Issue, ~KEPT-2009, Knowledge in Software Engineering, 2009, pp. 194-197. 
# [[Bazil Parv|]], [[Ioan Lazar|]], [[Simona Motogna|]], [[Istvan Czibula|]], ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. [[ComDeValCo Framework - Procedural and Modular Issues||]]. ~Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2-3, 2009. //[[Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Informatica|]]//, Vol. LIV, Special Issue, ~KEPT-2009, Knowledge in Software Engineering, 2009, pp. 189-193.

!!Articole in volume cu lucrari ale unor conferinte nationale 
# [[Istvan Czibula|]]. ~ComDeValCo Workbench: Activity Modeling and Execution. In Proc. //"Zilele Academice Clujene 2008" - Computer Science Section//, June 4, 2008, pp. 67-74.
!Prezentari la conferinte nationale 
# [[Bazil Parv|]]. ~ComDeValCo Project: Goals, Current Status, and Future Plans. //"Zilele Academice Clujene 2008" - Computer Science Section//, June 4, 2008.
# [[Ioan Lazar|]]. ~ComDeValCo Project: Platform-independent Component Repository. //"Zilele Academice Clujene 2008" - Computer Science Section//, June 4, 2008.
# ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar. ~ComDeValCo Workbench: Activity Modeling using Graphical Notations. //"Zilele Academice Clujene 2008" - Computer Science Section//, June 4, 2008.

!!Rapoarte tehnice (interne)
# Simona Motogna. Starea actuala a cercetarilor privind verificarea si validarea componentelor software, Raport stiintific intern.
# Ioan Lazar. Starea actuala a cercetarilor privind executia si testarea modelelor, Raport stiintific intern.
[[Idei 546/2007]]
Pentru a putea modela o aplicatie folosind mediul de dezvoltare ComDeValCo, trebuie creat un proiect.
Structura proiectului e alcatuita din mai multe pachete, fiecare proiect continand cazuri de testare si operatii, si e aratat in ProjectView (1). Aceasta vedere permite o navigare usoara prin pachetele si operatiile din proiect.
In Perspectiva de Modelare, utilizatorul poate modela aplicatia folosind PalTextEditor (2) sau PalGraphicalEditor (3).
''Perspectiva de Modelare''

Amandoua editoarele folosesc acelasi model si fieacare poate fi folosit in procesul dezvoltarii aplicatiei, sau amadoua, deoarece modificarile facute intr-un editor sunt vizibile si in celalalt editor.

Idei 546/2007


* Prof. dr. Bazil Parv, director, [ [[web|]] ]
* Conf. dr. Simona Motogna, membru, [ [[web|]] ]
* Lect. dr. Ioan Lazar, membru, [ [[web|]] ]
* Dr. ~Istvan-Gergely Czibula, membru, [ [[web|]] ]
* Drd. ~Codrut-Lucian Lazar, membru, [ [[web|]] ]
!! Czibula Istvan
* mobilitate la Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA
* lucrari - vezi lista din sectiunea [[Articole publicate]]
* teza de doctorat finalizata
** titlu: Search-based software engineering
** conducator stiintific prof. dr. Parv Bazil
** sustinuta public in dec 2009
** premiata de CNCSIS: cea mai buna teza de doctorat in Informatica pe 2009
!! Lazar Codrut Lucian
* mobilitate la Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA
* lucrari - a se vedea lista din sectiunea [[Articole publicate]]
* teza de doctorat in curs de finalizare
|!Proiect |Idei 546/2007 |
|!Titlu |Un cadru conceptual pentru definirea, validarea si compunerea componentelor software |
|!Obiective |Scopul proiectului este realizarea unui cadru conceptual pentru definirea, validarea si compunerea componentelor soft. Finalmente, acest cadru va fi folosit pentru realizarea de sisteme soft folosind paradigma programarii bazate pe componente. |
|!Durata |Octombrie 2007  -- Septembrie 2010|
!!!Proiect cercetare
[[Idei 546/2007]]
[[Tineri cercetatori|Gradul de implicare al tinerilor cercetatori]]
[[Obiective si activitati|Obiective si activitati si gradul de realizare]]
[[Rezultatele obtinute]]
[[Articole publicate]]
[[Alte rezultate]]
!!!Detalii proiect
|!An|!Obiective|!Activitati asociate|!Grad de realizare|
|2007|Finalizarea studiului proof-of-concept <br>pentru paradigma procedurala|Finalizarea modelului obiectual initial|Realizata|
|~|~|Dezvoltarea DEFCOMP pentru definirea obiectelor Program si Procedure|Realizata|
|~|~|Dezvoltarea VALCOMP|Realizata|
|2008|Implementarea conceptelor <br>programarii modulare|Implementarea claselor Function si Module|Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea modelului pentru lucrul cu tipuri structurate - tablou si lista|Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea DEFCOMP si VALCOMP cu noile constructii incluse in limbajul de modelare|Realizata|
|~|~|Dezvoltarea DEFSYS si VALSYS|Realizata|
|~|Proiectarea depozitului <br>de componente|Stabilirea criteriilor de clasificare a componentelor|Realizata|
|~|~|Stabilirea limbajului de descriere a componentelor|Realizata|
|~|~|Stabilirea formatului de reprezentare a componentelor|Realizata|
|~|~|Dezvoltarea REPCOMP|Realizata|
|2009|Implementarea conceptelor <br>programarii obiectuale|Implementarea claselor Class si Interface|Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea claselor din model pentru lucrul cu tipuri obiectuale |Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea DEFCOMP pentru Class si Interface|Realizata|
|~|Implementarea conceptelor <br>programarii bazate pe componente|Implementarea clasei Component|Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea DEFCOMP pentru Component|Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea claselor din model pentru lucrul cu componente|Realizata|
|~|~|Extinderea DEFSYS si VALSYS pentru sisteme obiectuale|Realizata|
|2010|Implementarea instrumentelor <br>de simulare si popularea <br>depozitului de componente|Analiza robustetii modelului realizat|Realizata|
|~|~|Dezvoltarea SIMCOMP si SIMSYS|Realizata|
|~|~|Popularea depozitului de componente|Realizata|
|~|Generarea codului executabil si <br>popularea in continuare a <br>depozitului de componente|Dezvoltarea GENEXE|In lucru|
|~|~|Popularea depozitului de componente|In lucru|
|~|~|Realizarea de aplicatii prototip|In lucru|

Pentru detalii, a se vedea sintezele:
* [[Sinteza 2007|]]
* [[Sinteza 2008|]]
* [[Sinteza 2009|]]
Limbajul Procedural de Actiuni (Procedural Action Language - PAL) este introdus pentru a simplifica constructia activitatilor structurate UML. PAL defineste o sintaxa concreta reprezentand noduri ale activitatilor structurate pentru cicluri, secvente de actiuni si conditii. Sintaxa PAL este, de asemenea, folosita pentru a scrie instructiuni de atribuire si expresii in noduri de activitati structurate. PAL incude, de asemenea, constructii bazate pe asertiuni, asa cum sunt descrise in sectiunea anterioara. Un profil PAL este definit pentru a putea interschimba modelele cu alte utilitare ce se conformeaza standardului UML 2.

''Profilul UML pentru PAL''

Depanarea si testarea modelelor executabile cat mai devreme in procesul de dezvoltare al aplicatiei ajuta la validarea bucatilor de model si la imbunatatirea modelului. Specificarea de Testare si Depanare a Modelelor (Model-level Testing and Debugging Specification) si Profilul UML de Testare (UML Testing Profile) definesc infrastructura standard pentru testare si depanare la nivelul modelelor independente de platforma (Platfor Independent Model - PIM), modelelor dependente de platforma (Platform Specific Model - PSM) si la nivelele implementarii.

Tehnicile de testare si depanare implementate in mdeliul de dezvoltare ComDeValCo sunt definite in conformitate cu Model-level Testing and Debugging Specification si cu UML Testing Profile.
A se vedea [[lista de publicatii|Articole publicate]] si [[capitolul de carte|Alte rezultate]] aflat in curs de publicare.
!! Instrumente soft realizate
* [[Definirea Sistemului]]
* [[Simularea Sistemului]]
* [[Profil UML]]

Pentru detalii, a se vedea sintezele:
* [[Sinteza 2007|]]
* [[Sinteza 2008|]]
* [[Sinteza 2009|]]
Perspectiva de Depanare / Simulare permite dezvoltatorului de model sa depaneze aplicatia, executand-o in modul de depanare. Perspectiva de depanare are un DebugView (1) care arata lantul de invocare intre operatii, pana la un punct de oprire (breakpoint). Dupa ce se ajunge la punctul de oprire, utilizatorul poate folosi aceasta vedere pentru a continua executia sau pentru a executa programul pas cu pas.

Apasand pe o operatie in DebugView, utilizatorul poate sa vada variabilele din VariablesView (2). Punctele de oprire sunt, de asemenea, vizibile in BreakpointsView (2). Ambele editoare mentionate inainte pot fi folosite in timpul procesului de depanare (3, 4), pentru a vedea instructiunile programului. ConsoleView si ErrorLogView (5) sunt, de asemenea, vizibile in perspectiva de depanare / simulare.

'''Perspectiva de Depanare / Simulare' 
Dr. Bazil Parv, Professor of Computer Science